The Chemical Fabrics and Film Association offers a self-certification program for manufacturers and sellers of coated fabrics that meet CFFA-Healthcare-201 - Minimum Performance Standards for Vinyl-Coated and Other Chemical Coated Upholstery Fabrics for the healthcare environment (CFFA-HC-201). The CFFA-HC-201 certification mark will help specifiers, designers, and furniture manufacturers more easily identify appropriate coated fabrics for the healthcare environment, which may reduce product failures. Products/patterns certified to CFFA-HC-201 must pass a series of test methods within CFFA-HC-201 that have been identified as important and relevant for the healthcare environment.

An overview of the certification program can be found here.
Frequently asked questions on the program can be found here.
Products that have been certified to the CFFA-HC-201 Standard can be found here.

CERTIFYING PRODUCTS AND PRIVATE LABELING CERTIFIED PRODUCTS: Both manufacturers and distributors may self-certify products/patterns and license the certification mark to identify certified products. Products must be tested by an accredited laboratory and meet the CFFA-HC-201 standard. Distributors that private-label previously certified product/patterns must also obtain a License. The self-certification and private label licenses require a licensing fee.

• The procedural guidelines, including use of the mark, and licensing fees for self-certification and private labeling can be found here.
• The form to submit for self-certifying products can be found here.
• The form to submit for private labeling previously certified products can be found here.
• The license agreement for self-certification and private labeling previously certified products/patterns may be found here.

LICENSING AND UTILIZING THE MARK: Distributors and furniture manufacturers who would like to use the mark when promoting previously certified products on their own marketing materials and website may obtain a royalty-free License Agreement for that purpose and must follow the guidelines for use for the mark.

• The license agreement for using the mark for all previously certified products may be found here.
• Further information on utilizing the mark once the license agreement is signed can be found here.

For further information on the CFFA HC-201 Certification Program, please contact the CFFA office at